Setting up the back button in Framework7 Svelte on Capacitor on Android

The back button is not hooked up by default in Framework7, even if you choose the Capacitor template.

(This is for framework7-svelte. Your mileage may vary, as I haven't checked.)

To hook it up, we need to (a) go back in history (b) when the back button is pressed.

(a) Dynamically go back in history

framework7-svelte exports an f7ready function, which calls its callback after the Framework7 app instance is ready — the app instance is passed in as the only argument.

The app keeps a current view, and each view keeps its own history of pages. A view would be something like a top level tab; a page would be like a list item. (I'm not sure if there is a history to go back to the previous view.)

Assuming the app instance is in the f7 variable, the current view is f7.views.current (docs). The view's router is <view>.router.

Some useful methods of the router:

  • router.navigate(url, {…})
  • router.back()

So once we figure out when to run it, the function to run is f7.views.current.router.back(), with f7 being the app instance passed in from f7ready.

(b) Doing stuff when the back button is pressed

Capacitor has a feature to emit an event when the back button is pressed, as documented in this page for Ionic Framework. We're not using Ionic Framework, but this feature is in Capacitor, so we can still make use of it.

This is part of @capacitor/app. After it is installed (remember to npx cap sync), pressing the back button will emit an event instead of just quitting the app.

Capacitor seems to have its own event handling system, separate from the DOM's normal addEventListener. The API is app.addListener(name, callback) (with app being Capacitor's app instance). To hook onto the back button event:

import { App } from "@capacitor/app";

App.addListener("backButton", () => {
  console.log("This runs whenever the back button is pressed")

Hooking them together

In app.svelte's <script> section:

import { onMount } from "svelte";
import { App as CapacitorApp } from "@capacitor/app";
import { f7ready } from "framework7-svelte";

onMount(() => {
  f7ready((f7) => {
    CapacitorApp.addListener("backButton", () => {


  • Wait for Svelte to be ready, then
  • Wait for Framework7 to be ready, then, with f7 being the Framework7 app instance
  • Tell the Capacitor app instance to listen for the backButton event, and
  • Grab the current view's router and tell it to go back.

You'll notice, however, that pressing back on the top most page does nothing. We can check if the current page is the top most page of the current view by checking if router.history.length is 1, like this:

import { onMount } from "svelte";
import { App as CapacitorApp } from "@capacitor/app";
import { f7ready } from "framework7-svelte";

onMount(() => {
  f7ready((f7) => {
    CapacitorApp.addListener("backButton", () => {
      const router = f7.views.current.router;
      if (router.history.length > 1) {
      } else {
        // I'm not sure if it's better to minimize, like this:
        // Or to exit, like this.
        // CapacitorApp.exitApp();
        // The fact that minimize only runs on Android doesn't matter,
        // as this event only fires on Android anyways.

Now you can put this in the app.svelte of your Framework7 / Svelte / Capacitor app and get a back button navigation that actually works.


This doesn't close drawers properly. Drawers are implemented as Views, so the way I'm doing it it'll treat a drawer like a tab, with its own page history. This is clearly wrong. You might find something useful in the docs for views to help you fix this, perhaps setting browserHistory and using the webview browser's history instead of Framework7's history. Personally, I'm just going to avoid using drawers because my usecase probably allows me to do that.

This also doesn't work for alerts and other popups. The callback after the back button is pressed needs more work to match other apps.

This is only very lightly tested, but I don't see how anything else here would be wrong.