Notes on JavaScript Macros

Just some notes on macros in the JavaScript ecosystem.

Babel plugins basically function as macros, as compile-time transformations. They are also capable of doing literally anything: JSX, TypeScript, and new JS syntaxes all have implementations as Babel plugins. Creating and maintaining a plugin for each macro is cumbersome, though: it's not at all as simple as a defmacro.
Appears to be adopted widely. Macros are modules exporting a main compile-time function - this function receives some compilation state and writes into that state.
Compile-time functions returning syntax objects. Can implement new constructs like cond-case. Can define new operators. Has a cli for transpilation as well as a Babel backend.
Bun macros
Compile-time (bundle-time) functions. Written as normal functions marked as macros at import. Cannot alter syntax or do metaprogramming - return value must be serializable and cannot be functions.
Bun also supports esbuild plugins that only use the onLoad and onResolve hooks. This means it probably also supports decky, which uses decorator syntax for compile-time functions. They receive a custom AST and return a string.
Parcel macros
Almost exactly like Bun macros, except (a) macros can generate assets and tell Parcel about them and (b) they can return functions, albeit only those created with the Function constructor; and a few other minor differences.

2025-03-09T21:12:36+0900: Gotta love it when I find an old blog post sitting uncommitted in an old checkout that I'm only coming back to now. This is a reason why I cannot use LLMs: I can't know what I wrote and what I didn't write otherwise.